Committees NL



The Epic Commission (ECo) organizes both sports and leisure activities for members. These include all types of fun activities, such as vuurborrels (drinks at a campfire), beer cantus (singing songs and drinking bear), as well as survival runs to participation in the Batavierenrace. Nothing is too crazy for this committee.

For more info, visit or speak to one of the committee members wearing their green sweaters!


The construction committee (Bouwco) is responsible for organizing construction days and checking the obstacles regularly. They also think about which obstacles are an addition to our training location. Furthermore they build the obstacles of the Utrecht Survivalrun.



The ExcellenCie is our one and only cooking committee! They enjoy cooking together and providing excellent meals for the rest of the association. Sometimes they organize the food for another committee’s activity, but they also organize their own activity a few times a year, such as a multi-course dinner around the holidays.

Lustrumcommissie (2022-2023)

In the association year 2022-2023, U.S.S.V. Simius Hircus will celebrate the 10th year of its existence, our second lustrum. The lustrum committee will make this an unforgettable year!


The Monkeycie is the current almanac committee. Next summer they will release a wonderful yearbook containing all the highlights, fun facts and gossip from the past year!

More info?


Trainers from the trainer pool provide training each week.

More info?


We are a fairly newly formed committee with a currently rather modest membership of 4: Jafeth, Johanna, Pepijn and Twan. As you will probably gather from the name, the main purpose of this committee is: preparing and eating wraps.

Oh right, also, while enjoying delicious freshly prepared wraps, we sometimes work on the website, by the way.

More info:


The race (wedstrijd) committee (Wedco) organizes the annual Utrecht Survivalrun which takes place in September. They are in charge of promotion, permits, registrations and everything else involved in organizing a survival run.

More info?

Voltooide Commisies


De bokkenrijers vormden een projectcommissie, die de bouw van de bokkenrij organiseerde. Dankzij hun is de survivalbaan flink uitgebreid!


De UITslovers is een tijdelijke commissie geweest om promotie materiaal te maken voor de digital UIT markt in 2020
Je kan de resulterende promovideo hier bekijken.


De PR-commmissie ondersteunde de vereniging op aspecten die met promotie te maken hadden, zoals het ontwerpen van flyers en posters. Ook hielden ze zich bezig met de website van de vereniging.

Simius Fabulans

Simius Fabulans was de eerste almanakcommissie van Simius Hircus. Ze hebben een ontzettend leuke almanak in elkaar gezet!

Lustrumcommissie (2017-2018)

In het verenigingsjaar 2017-2018 vierde U.S.S.V. Simius Hircus het 5e jaar van haar bestaan, ons eerste lustrum. De lustrumcommissie heeft dit tot een onvergetelijk jaar gemaakt!